" Braña da Garepa Bretaña"     22 / 03 / 13

        S. Glowlite Instant Magic "Max"  X M . Braña da Garepa Itaca

13 m  

 6 s


Glowlite Instant Magic "Max"     

Ch. Hobtop Heir Apparent   

Ch. Merriveen Rough and Ready   

Ch. Merriveen Make My Day   

Merriveen Quite Contrary  

Ch. Hobtop Tar Baby   

Brampton Mr Douglas   

Hobtop Peppermint  

Glowlite Sweet Sensation  

Eyamrite Dirty Harry   

Kratos Bagatelle with Eyamrite  

Hobtop Reflections with Eyamrite  

Glowlite Gold Nugget  

Eyamrite True Colours  

Eyamrite Break Every Rule  

Braña da Garepa Itaca



Ch Anton Lesca de Islandbull

Budas de Oro Bulky

Ch La Chata Blood Red


Coca Babys

Kelloe Crushed Silver Dust

Crusheds Crown Jewell

Crusheds Special Delight              Reserva hembra BOY 2006 Kelloe Big Smokey Black Face Eng. Am. Ch Hobtop Picalo
Kelloe White Love
Crusheds Ice Cream Merriveen Any Way
Blokhead Bulls Funky Beats

                Pedigree 5 generations with ancestors

Glowlite Instant Magic "Max"

Ch. Ir. HOBTOP Heir Apparent


Ch. W. Eng. Merriveen Rough and Ready



Ch. W. Merriveen Make My Day

Ch. Esclusham Golden Chimes of Wencar

Merriveen Milady

Merriveen Quite Contrary

Ch. Ocobo Tully

Merriveen Mary Mary

Ch. Eng. Hobtop Tar Baby


Brampton Mr. Douglas

Brampton Yosas's Lad  

Hobtop Holly

Hobtop Peppermint

Ch. Eng. Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe

Ch. Eng. Elizah Doolittle at Hobtop

Glowlite Sweet Sensation


Eyamrite Dirty Harry

Kratos Bagatelle with Eyamrite

Eng.Ch. Hobtop Picalo

August Pitts Pandemonium of Kratos

Hobtop Reflection with Eyamrite

Ch. Eng. Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe

Ch. Eng. Elizah Doolittle at Hobtop

Glowlite Gold Nugget

Eyamrite True Colours

Aldridge Aquarius

Eyamrite Red Hot Innovation

Eyamrite Break Every Rule

Kratos Bagatelle with Eyamrite
Vesubio Brinny the Bold from Bronorm

Braña da Garepa Itaca



Ch. Esp. Antón Lesca de Islandbull 


Budas de Oro Bulki


Ch. Esp. L Ch Blood Red 

Ch. Eng. Kelloe Angel Dust

Dos Aguas Marta Sanchez


Ch. Fearnought Fights For Ever

Coca Babys

Kelloe C. Silver Dust

Ch. Eng. Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe

Kratos Cool Sundae At Kelloe

Crusheds Crowh Jewell


Woferlow Well Beloved

Helmlake First Choice

Crusheds Special Delight             Reserva hembra BOY 2006



Kelloe Big Smokey Black Face


Eng. Am. Ch Hobtop Picalo

Ch. Eng. Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe

Ch. Eng. Elizah Doolittle at Hobtop

Kelloe White Love

Ch.Eng.Kelloe Kid Glove

Jenny Avon Lee of Kelloe

Crusheds Ice Cream


Merriveen Any Way

Ch. Esclusham Golden Chimes of Wencar

Merriveen Milady

Blokhead Bulls Funky Beats

Ch. Esp., I. Erindan Surpeboy Of Hobtop
Hobtop Penny Lane
