ALL OUR DOGS "DNA" IDENTIFIED           Meet us on Facebook 

"There are all those who are but are not all those who are...."- Not everyone living in Garepa-our home- because we beleave that the quality of life of any animal is a priority for a bulldog and there is no better life than living in family, at extent possible... Reason for which some of our bullies are ceded or co-owned and residing with friends and family.

 Braña da Garepa Fisterra

HUU  Clear

S. Braña da Garepa Delfos

D. Braña da Garepa Paz do Bo "Karma"

Braña da Garepa Hache "Pacu"


HUU  Clear

S. Braña da Garepa Chamán

   D.  Braña da Garepa Ximena "Frida"

Kingsfeeling Bull Artemisa


HUU  Clear


             OUR CHAMPIONS

Ch. Pt. Braña da Garepa Sella  P.P.W.10

       S. Glowlite Instant Magic

D.Braña da Garepa Mariña

HUU  Clear

Ch. Gib. Braña da Garepa Dorna

Owned by Jose Cernuda & Martina Novoa (Adamantiumbull)

HUU  Clear