CH. Esp. Antón Lesca de Islandbull (16/10 /2002 - 18/05/2009)
"For me, good poetry is any dog doing whatever it takes". J.Allen Boone
"He succeeded, and lived
quietly left us"
For all that has given us the pleasure of seeing him everyday between us and his special charisma.
Those who have admired, loved and respected both inside and outside the ring,
offer and share with all of the moments we have lived with Antón,
his demeanor and personality among his followers did so as a humble King (like the great ones).
Ms. Pat Davis Tom has written part of what we feel: "Must be a great pleasure to have a copy like this"
We thank our friend David Argibay and "handler" occasional whole unconditional love and support they have offered.
Thans to heir breeders for the opportunity they have given us power to have him on our side
Although we are not regulars to the forums, we sincerely thanks th participant of the forums
Mi-bulldog and El bulldog Inglés by the words and appreciation shown.