Afijo nº 10.449 - Bulldogs desde 1998      


"Braña da Garepa Karma"                  29 / 06 / 17


P. Crusheds Dogbull Kid   x  Braña da Garepa Fisterra   



Crusheds Dogbull Kid

Louzola Ferrari

Ch Mellowmood Full Monty

Iceglint I'm Edward

Nightranger Ice Ice Baby For Mellowmood

Louzola Betty Boo

Ecosse The Boss Of Kingrock

Louzola Pepsi Cola

Crusheds Gunilas Tribute

Brave Spirit At Hoptop

Hobtop White Diamond

Rowendale Charly Girl

Gunila New Crusheds

Crusheds New Crusher


Braña da Garepa Fisterra

 Braña da Garepa Delfos

Jr CH Vox Populi Primus Inter Pares

 Ch, Jr Ch Ocobo Candy King
Gengisbulls Zakia  

Braña da Garepa Vilma

Orchandrose Buster Boy
Braña da Garepa Itaca

Braña da Garepa Paz do Bo Karma"

Blokhead Bull Simply Irresistable

Ch.Int Merriveen Take Five
Hobtop Penny Lane

Garepa das Estrelas do Montado

CH. Eng. Esp.Int. Medbull Earth Mover
Ch. Pt. Around the Corner English Rose

   PEDIGREE 5 generaciones CON FOTOS

Crusheds Dogbull Kid


Louzola Ferrari


Ch Mellowmood Full Monty


CH Iceglint I m Edward  

Iceglint I´m Spike


Pastrich Beauty Patches by Iceglint
Nightranger Ice Ice Baby For Mellowmood Wyebuleigh Third Domain From Ivabully
Mellowmood Vanies Girl Of Nightranger

Louzola Betty Boo

Ecosse The Boss Of Kingrock

Kingrock Pugilist

Tighthead Astra Of Sussex In Ecosse

Louzola Pepsi Cola


Kingrock Pugilist

Puma Classic At Louzola

Crusheds Gunilas Tribute


Brave Spirit At Hoptop


Hobtop White Diamond


Brampton Mr Douglas

Hobtop Peppermint

Rowendale Charly Girl

Rowendale Money Talks

Brilliant Miss Of Wishbull

Gunila New Crusheds

Crusheds New Crusher

Merriveen Any Way

Blockhead Bull Mighty Real



La Chata Batty Boy


Braña da Garepa Fisterra


 Braña da Garepa Delfos


Jr CH Vox Populi Primus Inter Pares


Ch, Jr Ch Ocobo Candy King


Ocobo Flagship Mystyle

Ch Mystyle Eye Candy Ocobo

Gengisbulls Zakia  


Louzola Ferrari


Seabright Silver Star

Braña da Garepa Vilma


Orchandrose Buster Boy


CH Iceglint I m Edward  

Iceglint I´m Elisabeth at Orchardrose

Braña da Garepa Itaca


Sp Ch Anton Lesca de Islandbull
Crusheds Special Delight (Reserva hembra BOY Esp,06)

Braña da Garepa Paz do Bo Karma"



Blokhead Bull Simply Irresistable



Ch. Merriveen Take Five



Hyten Priestess of Luvpull 

Hobtop Penny Lane (Hermana de Ch.Eng.Am. Hobtop Picalo, H. Peppermint,H.Proper Madam, H. Pied Piper)

Ch. Eng. Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe

Ch. Eng. Elizah Doolittle at Hobtop Photo of Elizah Doolittle of Hobtop

Garepa das Estrelas do Montado


CH. Eng.Medbull Earth Mover


Ch. Eng. Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe

CH. Eng. Medbull Barbie Girl


Ch. Pt. Around the Corner English Rose

Joylee´s Luca



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