Braña da Garepa Ximena "Frida"     16 / 09 / 12

                    P. Braña da Garepa Tom Son X M . Braña da Garepa Quenlla "RITA"

5 m

        3 m

                              6 semanas

01 / 2013: "Frida" ha sido calificada MB 1ª Cl. Muy Cachorros - 27 Exp. Internacional de Vigo, J. Birk Carsten (DE)


 Braña da Garepa Tom Son

Sp Ch Anton Lesca de Islandbull Budas de Oro Bulky Sp Ch L Ch Blood Red
Coca Babys Kelloe Crushed Silver Dust
Crusheds Crown Jewell
Garepa das Estrelas do Montado CH. Eng.Esp.I. Medbull Earth Move Ch. Eng. Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe
CH. Eng. Medbull Barbie Girl
Ch. Around the Corner English Rose Joylee´s Lucas

Braña da Garepa Quenlla


Blokhead Bull Simply Irresistable

Ch. Merriveen Take Five

Ch. Int, Esp. Merriveen Make Haste 
Hyten Priestess of Luvpull
Hobtop Penny Lane Ch. Eng. Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe
Ch. Eng. Elizah Doolittle at Hobtop

Enxa de Braña da Garepa "Merla"

Ch Silver Shadow of Burly Bullky Bulls

Ch Crusheds Ice Crusher

Ch. Rave Party

Beira de Braña da Garepa

Merriveen Any Way

Tuffnuts Anniversar

Pedigree 5 generaciones con fotos de antecesores 

 Braña da Garepa Tom Son

Ch. Esp. Antón Lesca de Islandbull 

Budas de Oro Bulki

Ch. Esp. L Ch Blood Red

Eng/Ita Ch Kelloe Angel Dust

Dos Aguas Marta Sanchez


Ch. Fearnought Fights For Ever


Coca Babys

Kelloe Ckusheds Silver Dust

Ch. Eng. Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe

Kratos Cool Sundae At Kelloe

Crusheds Crowh Jewell

Woferlow Well Beloved

Helmlake First Choice

Garepa das Estrelas do Montado


CH. Eng.Medbull Earth Mover


Ch. Eng. Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe


Eng/Ita Ch Kelloe Angel Dust
Bullycraft Ikes Girl at Medbull

CH. Eng. Medbull Barbie Girl


CH. Eng,Balfour Action Man of LaRoyal JW
Hiising Lucki Lulu at Medbull

Ch. Around the Corner English Rose

Joylee´s Lucas

Hounslow Snow Storm
Joylee´s www Dot Dog


CH. Magdala Mr Chips
Yanci of  Magdala

Braña da Garepa Quenlla



Blokhead Bull Simply Irresistable


Ch. Merriveen Take Five


Ch. Int, Esp. Merriveen Make Haste 

Ch. Esclusham Golden Chimes of Wencar

Merriveen Mona Lisa
Hyten Priestess of Luvpull 

Ch. Eng. Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe

Wyecaple All in the Game with Hyten

Hobtop Penny Lane

(Hermana de Ch.Eng.Am. Hobtop Picalo, H. Peppermint,H.Proper Madam, H. Pied Piper)


Ch. Eng. Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe

Eng/Ita Ch Kelloe Angel Dust
Bullycraft Ikes Girl at Medbull

Ch. Eng. Elizah Doolittle at Hobtop    Photo of Elizah Doolittle of Hobtop


Ch Eng. Hobtop Sentinel
Wilward Red Queen

Enxa de Braña da Garepa 



Ch. Silver Shadow Of The Burly Bulky Bull´s 


Ch Crusheds Ice Crusher


Merriveen Any Way

Blokhead Mighty Real

Ch. Rave Party

Ch. Submarine


Beira de Baña da Garepa

Merriveen Any Way

Ch. Esclusham Golden Chimes of Wencar

Merriveen Milady

Tuffnuts de Anniversary (Imp. ENG.) "Braña"

Kiola Out of Africa   (Imp. S.A.)
Tuffnuts Pernickity


                         +  34  609 659 639