Braña da Garepa "Lenda"   13 / 11 / 06

                    Identificación genética ADN

            P. Ch. Esp. Antón Lesca de Island Bull x M. Crusheds Pride Sensation "Area"

                 4 años    

                                          Co-Propiedad María I. Rodríguez Figueiras

                 Lenda vive con María y demás familia.

  4 años

4 meses    3 meses 8 semanas 

    RCAC - RCACIB Cl. Intermedia Exp. Internac. Vilagarcía 2008 (Boris Chapiro-Fr)

        EXC. 3ª Cl. Intermedia Exposición Nacional Vilagarcía 2008 (Rafael Espigares-Esp)

    Exc. 1ª Jóven H. Nac., Especializada e Intern. Vilagarcía 2007

    Mejor Joven H. Especializada Raza Estoril 07 (Frank Wildman - UK)

                        Mejor Joven H. Internacional Estoril 07 (Margaret Wildman - UK)

  3ª Cl Cachorra H. Monográfica Terr. Galicia 07 (Pat Davis-UK) 


Ch. Esp. Antón Lesca de Islandbull 

Budas de Oro Bulki


Ch. Esp. La Chata Blood Red 

Ch. Eng. Kelloe Angel Dust

Lynmans Living Legend

Kelloe Alum Chime

Dos Aguas Marta Sanchez


Ch. Eur.,E.,Int. Dos Aguas Jacob

Ch. Int. Nobozz Leticia Lamb Chops


Ch. Fearnought Fights For Ever

Eng Ch Tymaro Tender Touch

Ravensbank Shahgram At Fearnought


Tai-Pan de Maynefus


Coca Babys


Kelloe Ckusheds Silver Dust


Ch. Eng. Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe

Ch. Eng. Kelloe Angel Dust

Bullycraft Ikes Girl at Medbull

Kratos Cool Sundae At Kelloe

Eng.Ch. Hobtop Picalo

Augustpitts Pandeminio of Kratos

Crusheds Crowh Jewell

Woferlow Well Beloved

Ch Tretun Mr. Barkiss     Photo Unavailable


Barrantini Maureen

Helmlake First Choice

Fearnought Sumo War Lord 

Helmlake Eternal

Crusheds Pride Sensation






Crusheds New Crusher


Merriveen Any Way


Ch. Esclusham Golden Chimes of Wencar

Ch.Eng.Kelloe Kid Glove

Ch. Esclusham Song of Sixpence

Merriveen Milady

Hytes Heaven To Murgartrodt

Merriveen Maybe Lucky

Blokhead Mighty Real



Ch. Esp., I. Erindan Surpeboy Of Hobtop

Ch Eng. Hobtop Sentinel

Cavaliers Lady

Hobtop Penny Lane

Ch. Eng. Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe

Ch. Eng. Elizah Doolittle at Hobtop

Astrellita That's Magic


Britishpride Power And Glory


Petworth Captain Pugnax Of Ringablok


Setsquare Surrey Oak of Quintic

Petworth Polly Perkins

Eng Ch Petworth Passion Potter of Britishpride

Eng Ch Storming Passion at Ocobo

Petworth Polly Perkins

Tymaro Take That To Astrellita


Eng Ch Tymaro Tender Touch

Lynmans Living Legend

Daddies Girl at Tymaro

Fordfox Fanny At Tymaro


Tymaro Trip

Tymaro Clementine

                                                          +  34  609 659 639